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in Las Vegas General by (120 points)

Do you feel you are living in a war zone lately? Well, you're not alone. Resident west of KVGT are being negatively affected by Sky Combat Ace loud E300s. Areas affected on a daily basis are NW - Lower Kyle Canyon area, Lone Mountain, Sun city Summerlin, Summerlin west, Queensridge, red rock ranch rd, and even Summerlin south.

Sky Combat Ace planes are out of KVGT almost non-stop these days (Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun the noise is pretty bad). Their noise can be heard miles and miles away west of KVGT. The neighborhoods right on top of their flight paths are being negatively impacted even more than others. Their loud E300s are affecting a big chunk of residential Summerlin, Lone Mountain and NW. Thousands of residential home are along their daily flight path, in between west of KVGT and red rock (where they like to fly).

Sky Combat Ace loud E300s are TERRORIZING residential Summerlin on a daily basis now and no one is stopping them. They've been in and out of KVGT since 9 am this morning, flying on top of Sun City Summerlin or edge of Sun City - Lone Mountain, mainly west of KVGT.


Please contact local authorities and tell them to move Sky Combat Ace to Jean Airport.

The airport, FAA and local authorities are refusing to take any action and move Sky Combat Ace to jean airport. FAA is allowing American citizens to be exposed to unsafe levels of plane noise. We need to come together as a community and kick Sky Combat out of densely populated neighborhoods where they like to terrorize the American citizens.

In addition to noise, there are safety issues regarding Sky Combat E300s. Here is FAA's statement about Sky Combat incident in Hoover Dam “so careless or reckless so as to endanger the life or property of another.” Sky Combat Ace had a prior fatal crash of the same model plane in Nevada and California, after that same plane had previously been cited by the Federal Aviation Administration for violating federal law with illegal and dangerous maneuvers. Oceanside banned Sky Combat due to noise and safety complaints from the residents. What would it take for local officials in Las Vegas to take the right action? Hopefully not another crash.

North Las Vegas Airport Noise Complaint Office (Hotline: 702-261-3694, or Direct Line: 702-261-5600)FAA’s Flight Standards District Office: (702) 617-8500

Commissioner Miller's office (for district C): Phone: (702) 455-4901

Congresswoman Susie Lee 702-963-9336, Senator Nicole Cannizzaro for district C

(Nicole.Cannizzaro@sen.state.nv.us), North Las Vegas Mayor Pamela Goynes-Brown (702) 633-1007, and councilwoman Allen-palenske (702) 334-0939.

Contact your local senators and congressmen/women and let them know how Sky Combat is terrorizing residential Summerlin.

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